Message from VP House League, News (Central York Girls Hockey Association)

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Oct 20, 2020 | Brad Protocky | 1411 views
Message from VP House League
CYGHA Suspends House League for 28 days.

I would like to extend my thanks to all for your patience and support as we try to get our girls back on the ice playing the game we all love.  I am now needing more patience and understanding from all.  As of Monday October 19th at 12:01 am York Region is being moved back to a modified stage 2 by the Provincial Government.  There are two key points within the restrictions that directly affects hockey.  First, the inside gathering limit has been reduced to 10, meaning there can only be 10 people within the arena.  The second is that no games or scrimmages are to take place.  Given this, we have decided to suspend all House League activities until November 16th or when the restrictions are lifted.  

This was not an easy decision but one that we feel makes the most sense in the spirit of fairness for all House League players.  Even if we were to run either practices or skill sessions, we would need a coach and a trainer leaving 8 spots for players.  We do not have the ice to get all the girls on the ice equally over the next 28 days.  We did consider running pay as you go sessions, but again since we would not be able to accommodate everyone if all wanted to participate, we feel this also would not be a fair option.  

We will not be accepting cancellations or distributing refunds during this time. Once we know when we will be restarting, a communication regarding fees will be sent out.  We will restart using the already posted schedule once the restrictions are lifted.   Again, we are asking for patience as we move through these challenging times.

Stay Safe

Brad Protocky
CYGHA VP House League 