please use the registration link below to be added to the wait list

House League Program
The House League Program is for girls aged 7 to 17. Teams are coached by volunteer parents, and the weekly schedule consists of a practice or game on Saturday and Sunday. U18 games are played on Sunday night.
Players do not need to have previous hockey experience, but skating experience is an asset. Divisions are balanced to ensure that each team has a mix of players of every level of skill and experience.
Season Schedule & Locations
· The season begins early-September and finishes at the end of March.
· There will be no hockey on Thanksgiving weekend, Christmas Break, and the first weekend of March Break.
· Game and practice locations are usually Aurora and/or Newmarket.
Friend Requests
We do our best to accommodate friend requests, which are important for social as well as practical (i.e. carpooling) reasons. However, in order to balance teams within each division, we can attempt to honour only one mutual (reciprocal) friend request per player.
A Friend request form must be signed by both families and submitted to [email protected]
prior to August 1st. FRIEND_REQUEST_FORM
House League Goalie Policy
· There shall be no dedicated goalies in the U9 and U11 divisions. Teams will rotate players weekly so that each player plays goalie at least once per season.
· U13 and above may have a dedicated goalie. All efforts will be made to identify these players and spread them out amongst all teams equally. If at any time a player wishes to try goalie they must be given that opportunity.
· Every house league team is provided with a full set of goalie equipment, and we encourage all players to play at least one game in goal.
DS Program
House league players looking to take part in additional games and tournaments played at a more competitive level can try out in November for our DS Program, an extra-fee program offered in most divisions.
Volunteers: Coaches, Trainers, Convenors
· The House League Program relies on volunteer Coaches, Trainers and Managers.
· Please indicate your interest in volunteering during the registration process.
· We encourage and support female volunteers as strong role models for the players.
· Division Convenor volunteers are also needed. Convenors help select the teams and communicate with bench staff throughout the season.
· All bench staff volunteers require Respect in Sport Activity Leader (an online course) and a Vulnerable Sector Search. Trainers also need a trainer’s certification.
Managing the Cost of Hockey
Families who would like to apply for grants to defray the cost of hockey can see their options here.