Regulation time for each game within the season will be 10-10-12 (minutes), stop time.
Slap Shots are not legal for either division (Open & 35+) in this league.
A slap shot penalty will be called when a player attempts to move the puck after their stick is raised above their knee.
Infractions will result in the stoppage of play and a minor (2 min) penalty.
A team must forfeit a game if it has fewer than six (6) of its rostered skaters fully dressed and on the ice or on the team’s bench when the game begins. A team must also forfeit a game if it chooses to add one (1) or more players from a roster other than their own. The exception to this rule will be if a rostered player must play as the goalie when no other rostered goalie is available, or if a team has six (6) players and must play without a goalie. In this instance, one (1) player who is rostered to another team can join this team without this team having to forfeit the game. This additional player will be selected by a league convenor who is not rostered to either team playing in this game. A forfeited game will result in the issuing to the standings zero (0) points to the team that had to forfeit the game, and two (2) points to the opposing team. If both teams have to forfeit a game then both teams will be issued zero (0) points in the standings.