President's Update - Registration - July 27, 2020, News (Central York Girls Hockey Association)

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Jul 28, 2020 | Sarah Bradley | 2236 views
President's Update - Registration - July 27, 2020
Dear Panther Family,  

As an update to my last message of July 6, 2020, I would like to inform you of the steps that the Executive has taken to get the 20-21 season underway.

A 'COVID19 Return to Play (RTP) Committee' was formed, led by Steve Dempsey and 4 other members, who have worked tirelessly preparing the COVID Response Plan. As the first step in returning to play, the OWHA mandated for submission a COVID Response Plan from each association.   

Upon submission and approval, the OWHA will provide proof of insurance.   The 'COVID19 RTP Committee' has completed the COVID Response Plan which includes the following details:

  • Screening – temperature checking,
  • a questionnaire as participants enter the building
  • Contact Tracing system
  • Education program for participants on hygiene etiquette
  • Parents are not allowed in the building, therefore must have a plan to make sure the player is returned to the correct parent.
  • need to be sure coaches have 
    • drills
    • plans that avoid contact
    • rules for distancing that are being followed

Once the association receives insurance, the Return to Play programs will be finalized and implementation will begin. The Town of Aurora has indicated that the rinks will be opening as soon as August 17, 2020. Although we have continually contacted the other town centers, we have not heard back from them yet. We will continue to pursue these avenues. We will be submitting the document this week for approval.  

To better prepare for the season, the CYGHA will be opening step one of the registration process on July 29, 2020. An email will follow with Registration instructions.

This process has been both difficult and time consuming for many involved. A heartfelt thank-you to all who have spent many hours working toward making this a successful season. A huge thank-you to all of the members for your patience and understanding as we work through this exercise.   Have a great week, and I hope to have more news in a week!  

Thanks kindly,  

Richard Clarke CYGHA President
